A set up at a furniture trade show might look a little bit like this.
Nowadays, we do a lot of our shopping online. While this is fine for many small items like groceries, collectibles, and clothing, a high-investment piece like furniture might be much riskier. Some furniture is larger than expected, or sometimes comfort is emphasized, and there is no way to try out comfort unless you are physically using the furniture. A furniture trade show is one of the best ways to browse for new furniture pieces for your home, office, business, or healthcare center. It provides you with an opportunity to see hundreds of different brands and themes for your business. Here’s a brief look at what to expect at a furniture trade show.
Who Will Be In Attendance?
Alongside you, the business owner, and furniture distributors, there will be hundreds of other attendees at a furniture trade show. This includes interior designers, architects, furniture and product developers, and visual or branding managers. All attendees are there for a variety of reasons. For example, designers and developers might be there for inspiration for making new products and bringing the perfect example home with them. A branding manager will be looking for furniture that best fits corporate appeal. But the point of a trade show is to make a sale agreement so you can bring home the perfect pieces of office furniture for your business.
Furniture Trade Show Types
Although all shows fulfill a similar purpose, there are still hundreds of different furniture trade shows out there. Some are more oriented towards designers, some more towards residential furniture, and some exclusively for wholesale facility buyers. It’s important to narrow down many factors before choosing a furniture trade show to attend. For example, if you are a small business with one office, going to a show that emphasizes wholesale and, bulk furniture purchases will not be right for you. However, if you are a large facility, such as a casino or school, a wholesale furniture show will be right up your alley to get the best price.
How Will I Bring it Home?
Some people worry about how the furniture they view or purchase at a furniture trade show will be brought home to their business or facility. But don’t worry, trade show experts are used to shipping cross country. Usually, after a purchase is made, furniture will either be shipped by trucking services or on a warehouse to warehouse delivery scheduled for pickup.
Choose Edwards & Hill for Your Corporate Furniture and Design Needs
Are you ready to redesign your office to maximize productivity and creative thinking? Edwards & Hill can help you design and install the perfect designs for your business. Edwards & Hill is a leading office, education, medical, and hospitality furniture provider with high-quality design and installation services for any style or scale. If you are ready to get your office design started, contact us online or give us a call at 301-317-4250. For more furniture design tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, and YouTube.