Older designs, such as cubicles, work well for some offices, and not so much for others.
The summer clock is ticking down every day, and more and more people are planning to return to the office to coincide with the upcoming school year. Therefore, if you are a business owner or manager, it’s probably a good time to consider updating your office interior design to be more “with the times.” Spending so much time at home during the pandemic has made us all realize just how important staying comfortable at work is for productivity and attentiveness, and a lot of pre-COVID office interior design looks just are not up to people’s new standards for a work environment. But getting started with office interior design can seem overwhelming. So let’s get started by viewing the various “staples” of office interior design so you can find your footing.
Floor Office Interior Design
The floor design entirely has to do with the overall layout of your office. For example, if your office was built during the 90s or before that, you may have a traditional office floor plan that features cubicles and lots of separated meeting rooms. If you are looking for a collaborative-based environment, then an open floor plan may be what you need. However, this may require some construction, such as knocking down walls to individual meeting rooms.
Lighting Design
Lighting is actually extremely important when it comes to office interior design. Many recent studies suggest that blue artificial-based lights can actually cause migraines and tension headaches amongst employees. As a reaction, more and more businesses are taking advantage of natural lighting such as windows and minimizing the amount of harsh lighting. No access to windows? There is plenty of office-appropriate furniture that can emulate natural light.
Flooring Design
We previously talked about the floor of the office interior design, but what about the flooring? This can include carpeting or whatever material you choose to decorate the floor. Most offices choose carpet simply because it absorbs noise. But there are lots of different flooring to choose from for your individual design! Try to choose a durable fabric that goes with your furniture.
Furniture Design
The last part of office interior design is to choose a variety of furniture. The best bet? Choose ergonomic furniture that is meant to move. That way, when employees do return to the office, they will be able to choose furniture that best fits their needs and swap out anything that doesn’t work. Plus, most ergonomic furniture comes in fun and comfortable construction that can complement any office interior design look!
Choose Edwards & Hill for Your Office Furniture and Design Needs
Are you ready to redesign your office to maximize productivity and creative thinking? Edwards & Hill can help you design and install the perfect designs for your business. Edwards & Hill is a leading office, education, medical, and hospitality furniture provider with high-quality design and installation services for any style or scale. We have our headquarters in Annapolis Junction, Maryland, as well as another convenient office location in St. Louis, Missouri. If you are ready to get your office design started, contact us online or give us a call at 301-317-4250. For the St. Louis office, please call 314-797-5077. For more furniture design tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, and YouTube.