Make your office your home away from home.
You spend a lot of time at work. When you add up the number of hours you’ll spend at work throughout your life, it’s easy to see just how much of your life you’ll be there! Because you spend so much time there, it makes sense to add a few touches to your office to make it feel like home. Essentially, your office at work is your home away from home! Here are some ways you can add some home touches to your office.
Warm Lighting
The right lighting makes a world of difference. What many people aren’t aware of is that light can affect your mood and productivity. For example, if there’s harsh lighting in your office you’ll likely feel less motivated to get anything done. You’ll probably even feel more anxious and stressed out! Use warm lighting in your office to mimic natural light and to create a more relaxed environment.
Clean Your Office
It can be much harder to function in a cluttered office, so make sure to clean yours up. Over time, you might find that papers and folders have stacked up so much that you can’t see your desk or that there’s just a lot of unnecessary equipment in your office. This can cause you to feel stressed and it makes your usable space smaller. Maximize the space you have by cleaning your office up and only dedicating space to the things you need the most.
Add A Splash Of Color
If your office is drab and uninspiring, you probably won’t get much work done in it. The best way to add to a boring office is to add color! There are a few different ways you can do this, from adding pictures or posters to your walls. Adding your favorite colors to your office will make it feel more like home.
Add Familiar Smells
Bringing a candle or air freshener into your office can help create an environment that reminds you of home. Your favorite scents will put you at ease whenever you’re in your office, leading to you being more comfortable and productive.
Premium Office Furniture from Edwards & Hill
Are you ready for an office space that allows your coworkers to work comfortably and productively? Edwards & Hill can help you design and install the perfect office design for your facility. Edwards & Hill is a leading office, education, medical, and hospitality furniture provider with the high-quality design and installation services for any style or scale. If you are ready to get your healthcare design started, contact us online or give us a call at 301-317-4250. For more furniture design tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, YouTube, and Google+.