If you ask anyone who tends to spend much of their time sitting at a desk, things can become a bit uncomfortable. As the days and weeks progress, your body can begin to feel the strain of sitting for long periods of time. Your back can begin to ache while your neck and shoulders can begin to hold tension from the constant typing or writing. It’s this type of discomfort that can begin to lead to serious health problems later on in life, which is why many offices are beginning to make the switch to ergonomic furniture.
Ergonomic furniture is the term used to describe pieces that have been created with comfort and health in mind. The furniture has the ability to be adjusted and moved to meet the needs of the individual using the items. Ergonomic furniture can range from chairs and desks to lighting and cushions and supports. These adjustments can help remove the stress on the body and eyes, which can make for a more comfortable work environment for those within an office.
If you are looking to increase comfort in your office space, consider your options in ergonomic furniture. The first piece that should be purchased is the chair. An ergonomic chair can help create comfort more than any other piece. The chair can help improve posture while also helping to release some of the stress being placed on the lower back and the neck. A desk should be the next ergonomic purchase made. A desk that can be adjusted to match the height of the individual using it can help with tension and stress being placed on the neck and shoulders.
Other ergonomic furniture can be purchased to add to the level of comfort experienced on a day to day basis within the office. An increase in comfort can lead to an increase in productivity and morale throughout the office, which can only be good for your business.
Edwards & Hill Office Furniture is proud to furnish corporate offices as well as providing quality furniture for hospitality businesses, educational settings, local casinos, and healthcare facilities. Tony Hill, Managing Partner, and Hans Edwards, Partner, have been working together since 1998 to provide quality multimedia and furniture products and services to a number of different businesses and industries.
To get started with Edwards & Hill, call us today at 301-317-4250. You can also fill out our online contact form to ask specific questions about one of our specific services.
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