As more and more offices switch to more open floor plans to allow their employees some breathing room, lounge office furniture is becoming increasingly common in the workspace. This is due to the “resimercial” philosophy that office workers are more productive when they have the ability to move around the office freely and work from wherever they please, rather than being confined to a singular space like a traditional cubicle. As a result of this, the concept of the office lounge is becoming quite literally more widespread. Instead of being limited to a singular room or area, more office designs are allowing for more comfortable furniture scattered throughout the office plan. As a result, the need for more modernized lounge office furniture was born. Here are a few lounge-like furniture additions you can make to your corporate open floor plan for better employee comfort and productivity.
Add a Half Lounge
A half lounge is a collection of office furniture that would normally be found in a traditional office lounge but found outside in the open floor plan at a smaller scale. A half lounge generally includes a small surface like a coffee table and one or two comfortable chairs to sit in. This is a great place for taking a small break or a place to have an informal professional chat with a few other coworkers about a project without the need for a formal meeting room. Sometimes, a half lounge can be paired with furniture appliances like a mini-fridge to keep some basic refreshments cold.
Portable Office Furniture
Since in an open office plan it’s expected for people to be able to freely move around the office, the furniture that they work on must be able to move with them. This is especially important in office lounge spaces or half lounges. Probably the most important piece of office furniture in any open space layout is the portable work table. This is usually a small work table meant to support a small work task that is lightweight and easy to move with. This allows for any office worker to have a piece of furniture to support their computer, notes or guidebook that they may be working with.
Comfortable Orthopedic Office Furniture
Something that should be made sure of in any furniture is to provide your employees with good posture. Good back posture promotes attentiveness and will keep your employees as focused as possible. Try to avoid any lounge furniture that is made to recline, as it can actually reduce activity over time.
Choose Edwards & Hill for Your Office Furniture and Design Needs
Are you ready to redesign your office to maximize productivity and creative thinking? Edwards & Hill can help you design and install the perfect designs for your business. Edwards & Hill is a leading office, education, medical, and hospitality furniture provider with high-quality design and installation services for any style or scale. We have our headquarters in Annapolis Junction, Maryland, as well as another convenient office location in St. Louis, Missouri. If you are ready to get your office design started, contact us online or give us a call at 301-317-4250. For the St. Louis office, please call 314-797-5077. For more furniture design tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, and YouTube.