Furniture might look easy to assemble on the box or in the store, but a lot of times people end up using a furniture assembly service.
A furniture assembly service may seem optional, but let’s consider this: If you work in an office, getting distracted from work is a part of life. It’s hard to focus on the same task for eight hours straight. But that’s why offices take precautions to eliminate as much distraction as possible. However, sometimes people make poor decisions that affect the rest of the office. One such distraction could be your boss requesting you to help set up the new set of office furniture they ordered for an office makeover. This is not only distracting to you, but also everyone around, or even worse, takes time out of your break. Hiring a professional furniture assembly service would have prevented this dilemma. And that’s not the only good reason why it’s a great idea to hire a furniture assembly service for your office.
Furniture Assembly is Time Consuming
All humans work with time running against them. Many times, furniture manufacturers promise quick and easy assembly. But that’s usually just a marketing tactic. The reality of assembling furniture is that it’s usually quite complex and requires power tools and other parts. A furniture assembly service worker has plenty of experience setting up furniture, especially when there is a lot of it, so you’ll not need to worry.
It Can Relieve a Major Stress
Let’s face it: when something doesn’t go our way exactly as planned, we get frustrated. Furniture assembly can be mind-numbingly frustrating if you are not experienced in the matter. This increases tenfold when there is a lot of furniture to assemble, like if the office is undergoing a full renovation or redesign.
Furniture Assembly Service Right at your Fingertips!
You’ve finally decided to go forward with a furniture assembly service. But now begs the question- where in the world do I even find one? Many outside services hide hidden fees and other charges behind their service charge. But don’t worry. Edwards & Hill offer an assembly service to any customer who purchases furniture products for their office. This way, you won’t need to worry about getting your bulk office furniture shipped in, then sitting there in an unattractive box for a while while you search for a service company. It will all be in one easy purchase and step to alleviate a lot of stress and future heartburn.
Choose Edwards & Hill for Your Office Furniture and Design Needs
Are you ready to redesign your office to maximize productivity and creative thinking? Edwards & Hill can help you design and install the perfect designs for your business. Edwards & Hill is a leading office, education, medical, and hospitality furniture provider with high-quality design and installation services for any style or scale. We have our headquarters in Annapolis Junction, Maryland, as well as another convenient office location in St. Louis, Missouri. If you are ready to get your office design started, contact us online or give us a call at 301-317-4250. For the St. Louis office, please call 314-797-5077. For more furniture design tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, and YouTube.