Learn how to design your home office so you can work productively everyday.
More than ever people are making their place of living their workplace. According to Global Workplace Analytics, more than 25 million people work from home at least once a week, and around 3 million self-employed people consider their home their primary place of work. Regardless of how often you work from home, you should put some effort into designing the perfect office to meet all of your needs. If you are in the midst of designing or renovating your home office, then follow these home office design trends for inspiration.
Minimalism Is In
If you are turning one of your rooms in your home into an office, chances are you do not have a large amount of space to work with. So, you need to learn to consolidate all of your items and keep items that are necessary to complete your job. Try to limit the amount of papers and files used in your office and utilize digital documents as much as possible. The key is to reduce clutter as much as possible and to try to maintain an organized workspace.
Be Wise With Furniture
Take your time when looking for home office furniture especially if you are limited on space. Look into purchasing furniture that can be used for multiple purposes and that also is long lasting. It is wise to look pieces such as desks and shelves that have plenty of storage space, so you can keep all of your supplies and documents in arms reach. Since you might have to purchase furniture and not your company, you want to install furniture that is durable and can withstand everyday wear and tear.
Let The Light In
For any workspace regardless of location, it is critical there are constantly exposed to natural light. So be aware of the specific location of your home office and if there you will be working near any windows. Being exposed to natural light increases productivity and improves your mood.
Office Furniture from Edwards & Hill
Are you ready for an office design that fosters productivity in your and your employees? Edwards & Hill can help you design and install the perfect office design for your facility. Edwards & Hill is a leading office, education, medical, and hospitality furniture provider with quality design and installation services for any style or scale. If you are ready to get your healthcare design started, contact us online or give us a call at 301-317-4250. For more furniture design tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, YouTube, and Google+.