Businessman moving offices
Whether your business is upsizing, downsizing, or just moving across town, an office move can eviscerate even the most adept office manager. When executed properly, a move can run like a well-oiled machine, causing little more than slight inconveniences for some employees. If things are done poorly, however, the consequences can be catastrophic. Here are four tips to help you and your team prepare for a low-stress and drama-free office move.
1. Plan Ahead
Just like any other move, moving offices requires a lot of planning ahead of time. Once your new lease is signed and any renovations have been finished (which can take a lot of planning on their own), you and your team should be ready to move. Give every department and employee ample notice so that they can declutter their offices, organize their files, and prioritize what needs to be set up first for their offices. Get in touch with an office furniture supplier ahead of time so that you can order new furniture and have it shipped directly to your new location.
2. Keep IT in the Loop
In today’s world, technology reigns supreme. While the physical logistics of an office move are vital, having your business’s online infrastructure transition seamlessly is paramount. Consult with your IT department as soon as you decide to move. Determine what your new space must have to accommodate your tech needs, and come up with a game plan with IT so that your networks have minimal downtime. Keep IT abreast of any changes as they come up so that they can adjust their plan accordingly.
3. Figure Out What You Have and What You Need
Once you have an idea of what you want your new office design to look like, take stock of all of your furniture. Make a spreadsheet that lists what each room will need, what furniture the office owns already, and what items are needed. Work with a trusted office furniture supplier to purchase items that work well with what you already have if you are looking to bolster your collection, or go the whole hog and outfit your new office with a totally new look. The beauty of moving offices is that your new space is an entirely blank canvas.
4. Move Large Furniture First
When it comes time to move, it can be tempting to have people grab whatever they can and bring it over to the new location. While office moves are a team effort, try to have a plan. Move large furniture first, and have your furniture supplier and other vendors deliver their goods directly to the new location. Once all of the large items are moved, you can start bringing in smaller items and personal effects. Individuals can be put in charge of customizing and organizing their own offices, while an office manager or other supervisor should work on instructing others in preparing lobbies, conference rooms, and other common areas.
Choose Edwards & Hill for Your Office Furniture and Design Needs
Are you ready to redesign your offices to maximize productivity and creative thinking? Edwards & Hill can help you design and install the perfect designs for your business. Edwards & Hill is a leading office, education, medical, and hospitality furniture provider with the high-quality design and installation services for any style or scale. If you are ready to get your office design started, contact us online or give us a call at 301-317-4250. For more furniture design tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, and YouTube.