
Creating an Eco-Friendly Office


The trend of going green and becoming eco-friendly seems to be sticking around, with no evidence of slowing down. As more “green” products are being sold, more businesses and companies are working to create eco-friendly office spaces to help do their part. Creating an eco-friendly office will help your business do its part in reducing the overall carbon footprint. An eco-friendly office can also help reduce water and energy bills for your business, which is always beneficial.

Steps to an Eco-Friendly Office

  • One of the first steps you can take when creating an eco-friendly office is to turn off your appliances when you have finished using them. This means instead of placing your computer on sleep mode, you turn both your tower and monitor off at the end of each day.
  • Is your staff remembering to reduce, reuse, and recycle? Look for ways to implement the 3 r’s to create an eco-friendly office through your product usage and recycling habits.
  • When you shop around for office supplies, try to choose those that are advertised as eco-friendly. Also, only buy supplies that you actually need to avoid being wasteful.
  • Consider allowing staff to telecommute on certain days during the week. Telecommuting will not only save on gas, but can also allow work spaces to be used by more than one employee.
  • Eliminate paper filing systems within your office by using electric filing. This will help reduce your use of paper products and help create an eco-friendly office.
  • Create an open office layout that allows your HVAC system to work properly while reducing your energy costs. Having vents blocked by walls and clutter can create an unbalanced temperature environment within the office.



Edwards & Hill Office Furniture is proud to furnish corporate offices as well as providing quality furniture for hospitality businesses, educational settings, local casinos, and healthcare facilities. Tony Hill, Managing Partner, and Hans Edwards, Partner, have been working together since 1998 to provide quality multimedia and furniture products and services to a number of different businesses and industries.

To get started with Edwards & Hill, call us today at 301-317-4250. You can also fill out our online contact form to ask specific questions about one of our specific services.

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