Creating the perfect lab design requires ergonomics.
Building a lab can be a difficult task, getting all the equipment to fit and make sense aesthetically can be a challenge so considering ergonomics can seem like an excessive unnecessary step. Ergonomics is simply the study of what increases productivity and efficiency; considering ergonomics in the design of your lab can save you time and stress in the future.Today we will explore why ergonomic design is important to consider when designing your lab.
A Little History
Ergonomics first began when humans first started creating tools. Ergonomics is far more than just what is the most comfortable chair to sit in, it involves the process of elimination that leads to efficiency. During the industrial revolution of the 1900’s, ergonomic study took off; as we became more dependent on the interaction between human and machine we studied to fine tune these processes. After World War II worker safety and productivity became even more of a discussion and with Labor Unions making their appearance the study of ergonomic and employee care became imperative.
How To Adjust
The past several decades have seen a technology boom like never before and the way we work has also changed drastically. While in the past lab workers have moved around, it is more common that technology is doing a lot of the work for you and employees are sitting more than ever before but when they do move it may be causing more stress on their bodies. To avoid long term issues it is important to be proactive. An ergonomic chair that reduces some of the harmful effects of sitting can save you thousands of dollars in compensation later.
Musculoskeletal Disorders caused by reaching, lifting and bending cost employers billions of dollar yearly. Medical Expenses due to a lab that isn’t cohesive is not worth risking when the effort of designing your office with ergonomics in mind is so little.
Ask yourself questions about how lab workers will function around the lab. Where are microscopes positioned? Are they at a comfortable height and position for the employees? Are important items are high shelves? How about heavy boxes? Consider the practical organization of your lab as a part of ergonomics, making all your employees feel safe and cared for.
Office Furniture From Edwards & Hill Office Furniture
Are you ready for a better office design that fosters productivity? Edwards & Hill can help you design and install the perfect office design for your facility. Edwards & Hill is a leading provider or office, education, Medical and hospitality furniture with quality design and installation services for any style or scale. If you are ready to get an ergonomic design started, contact us online or give us a call at 301-317-4250. For more furniture design tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, YouTube and Google+.