Good quality lighting in the workspace can make an ordinary workspace a place for an enjoyable shift instead of one that leaves employees with a headache or zapped of energy and creativity.
You can make an office space more comfortable by changing the types of light bulbs your business uses or simply by adjusting the angle of fixtures. You can also do your part to conserve the planet by using eco friendly lights and fixtures.
The goal is to improve employee comfort in the workplace to increase productivity and morale. Angling or positioning lightning truly makes a big difference in employee comfort.
For example, indirect light positioning can reduce glare and eye strain. When employees are not suffering from glare and eye strain, they have the ability to work longer without suffering from discomfort or fatigue.
Another reason good lighting is important revolves around engagement. Employees are able to remain engaged with work materials when they don’t have to reduce light entering the workspace.
With appropriate fixture distance between 40 feet and 70 feet, you will be able to improve comfort in the work area because that fixture distance can sufficiently establish glare reduction.
Next, work on contrast of light. How well lighting illuminates its target and separates objects from the background is contrast. With appropriate lighting contrast, you can increase comfort for an office environment.
Proper lighting will increase comfort in the office environment and help all workers focus on assignments better.
To create sufficient contrast, establish three times the brightness of areas surrounding desks.
For peripheral office areas, make contrast 10 times weaker than the task areas. This will help your employees avoid contrast ratios higher than the figures they will interact with most. It will also help them reduce eye strain and maintain employee productivity levels.
Once you set the appropriate angles or positions, choose the right colors to make a warm and welcoming office environment.
The use of soft white fluorescent bulbs will create warm tones for your office and prevent harsh glare that’s normally associated with stark white bulbs.
It is best to reproduce the qualities of natural light with full spectrum fluorescent lights. This lighting will give an airy quality to the office environment.
Last but not least, consider adding window coverings. Although glare in the office can increase or reduce based on how the sun changes position, it can help you create proper window shade positioning for the office at the right time of day.
If your office never gets hit with direct sunlight, you can use partial window coverings to maintain employee comfort.
If direct sunlight always hits your office windows, use high density film covering to block the sun’s rays.
Follow these tips for office lighting and you’ll be sure to make your business welcoming for employees and clients alike all year round.
Edwards & Hill Office Furniture is a leading office planner and supplier for commercial companies, government agencies and individual consumers nationwide. We sell and install office furniture, as well as design and plan office layouts. We even help you relocate and handle planning, marketing, public relations, and film and video production.
Since 1998, when Managing Partner Tony Hill and Partner Hans Edwards founded Edwards & Hill Communications, we have provided clients with creative solutions to complex problems and know how to tailor our products and services to your specific needs.
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