
Increasing Office Productivity

Office ProductivityIf you believe your office productivity is reaching lower levels, some office revamping may be in order. When business owners find office productivity lacking, they typically assume there is something wrong with their staff, which might not be the case. There have been several studies that show how the furniture and lighting within an office space can affect overall office productivity.

Office Productivity Statistics

  1. Those working in an office with a window spend about 15% more time on task compared to those without a window.
  2. Multiple computer screens are known to increase office productivity anywhere from 9 to 50%.
  3. An office that had proper lighting and ventilation is known to have increased office productivity by 16%.
  4. 4.3 hours are wasted each week by the average employee as they search for papers and other information.


Ways to Boost Office Productivity

  1. Place desks in areas that have the most natural light available. This will eliminate the need for overhead lighting, which is known to cause headaches.
  2. Choose ergonomic chairs over normal office chairs. Ergonomic chairs are known to increase office productivity and providing health benefits as well.
  3. Use file cabinets to help employees stay more organized with their papers.
  4. Realize that some office areas require different furniture than others. Determine what your employees need before ordering their desks and other furniture. Some employees require larger desks than others while some may need larger file cabinets than others.
  5. Try to incorporate artwork throughout the office to help increase office productivity as well as office creativity.

Office Productivity with Edwards and Hill

Edwards and Hill Office Furniture is proud to furnish corporate offices as well as providing quality furniture for hospitality businesses, educational settings, local casinos, and healthcare facilities. Tony Hill has been partnering with Hans Edwards since 1998 to provide quality multimedia and furniture services to a number of different businesses and industries.

To get started with Edwards and Hill, call us today at 301-317-4250. You can also fill out our online contact form to ask specific questions about one of our specific services.

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