When looking for the best layout solutions for your STEM lab, these simple tips will lead you in the right direction.
Designing the perfect classroom layout is hard enough. Designing the ideal STEM lab creates entirely new drawbacks and has teachers asking different questions about how the room should be set up. When looking for the best layout solutions for your STEM lab, these simple tips will lead you in the right direction.
Workstations for Students
Your first stop is figuring out what your maximum number of students will be in a single class. You need to make sure that you can accommodate each student. The last thing you or a student wants is for them to feel like they don’t have their own workspace or that they don’t physically fit into the room. You also need to determine whether or not computers and other technology equipment are for individual use or will need to be shared. This will help you know what size equipment you will need and the best places in which to store it.
Desk Design for Teachers
If you’re a STEM instructor who likes to move about the room a lot, you might want to consider bringing your desk along with you. Portable, rolling desks for instructors can be very useful in a STEM lab as you are not limited to one area of the lab. STEM instructor desks can be designed with built-in storage for computers, equipment, and cords that can lead out of the desk and into a wall outlet.
Be Student-Oriented
Consider the age group of the students which you are teaching. As a teacher, you are in-tune with the needs of your students, but your STEM lab space needs to be just as accommodating as you are. If you are serving multiple age groups, make sure storage is accessible and safe for both the equipment as well as your students. STEM labs should also have a unique focus on real-world work environments that other types of classrooms can’t provide. Make sure that your STEM lab creates students to work individually as well as in small groups.
Invest in How Your Children Learn with Edwards and Hill Office Furniture
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